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Horn Antenna Applications

- Dec 20 2017 - Because of its simple structure and easy control, the horn antenna is usually used as a medium directional antenna, such as standard speakers, which is usually used as the feed of reflector. When it is used as an independent antenna, it is generally added to the reflector or lens that corrects the phase. The horn parabolic reflector antenna has the characteristics of wide band, low side lobe and high efficiency, which is often used in microwave relay communication. The lens has been rarely used as a phase correction for the horn because of its heavy weight and complex structure.
The horn antenna is used in the following aspects: 1 feed of a large radio telescope, reflector antenna of satellite ground station, reflector antennas used in microwave relay communication systems; 2 phased array antenna unit; 3 in the measurement of antenna, horn antenna used on other high gain antenna test and gain calibration standard etc..

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